Author Topic: Noise Complaint / Intruder! - Address?  (Read 5176 times)


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Noise Complaint / Intruder! - Address?
« on: May 08, 2018, 11:13:19 am »
I'm not sure if this is a mistake, but as I understand the story the guy who called about the noise complaint and the people in the book club meeting are neighbors. I'm assuming they're on the same street in a quiet surburban town ("mostly seniors"). So, why do their addresses say they live on different streets?

Noise Complaint Guy: 200 Thompson St.
Intruder! : 815 Cleveland Way

Interestingly, a different caller (A kernel) lives in 811 Cleveland Way.

Did you perhaps switch the addresses? Or were they actually not neighbors? Or did they live in the same neighborhood, but for some reason Noise Complaint Guy could hear them from 2 streets over?


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Re: Noise Complaint / Intruder! - Address?
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2018, 06:38:13 am »
i personally think it is just a typo or something like that, because the game still has bugs and there are typos and stuff so i doubt there is something behind the address

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