Hey guys! First post here but I think I know what one of the unknown skills here is. I've been doing some online digging and found either a review or a forum post that said you can learn "skills such as morse code and communication." I haven't been able to find it again, but that skill seems to correspond to the skill blocks in the noise complaint call, where we can't tell the guy to go talk to his neighbor, and the paramedic request.
Another thing, something I noticed on my 3rd shift so far--for the bear simulation call, I had always called the police and told the man not to intervene. When I checked my employee file in the VSX Terminal thing, my path was "Optimist."
For my most recent shift, I didn't use any resources but told him to keep his adrenaline up, use the trophy as a weapon, and then play dead after he attacks the bear. This shift, my employee file showed "Path: Aggression" (not sure if that was the exact phrase--forgot to write down) and that I had instructed him to attack with an object. Here's the thing: this runthrough, I largely repeated the same answers but sometimes got different results or responses. I wasn't paying attention well because I was tired (lol) but I'm going to try and recreate this on my next shift. I think that how you play the initial simulation unlocks slightly different versions of the rest of the calls, and perhaps the last two skills can only be unlocked by very specific initial choices.
edit: to clarify, I think one of the missing skills is titled "Communication"