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Messages - thelovingcynic

Pages: 1 [2]
Story Discussion (Spoiler Heavy!) / Re: Deep Into Dispatch
« on: May 08, 2018, 10:54:43 am »
I personally think that the manager is an AI, created by someone, possibly from that group that's starting the TechUprising that the Admin at the end talked about. I don't know what to think of the blue mist, honestly. But I know it's connected to the system itself (why else would blue mist just pop up in your screen? Also, Manager 13 tries really hard to pass it off as normal fog.)

I think when someone's eliminated, they really are killed IRL. The Bluetooth thing in Noise Complaint/Intruder is probably part of Mind control?

Honestly, at this point, I'm inclined to trust Admin/Jensen. But we can't really say for sure, because we lack data about Manager 13, except that 1) he tries really hard to keep you happy in your job, going so far as to give you 5 stars and skills, 2) he has moments when he doesn't act like a person (repetitive phrases at the end before the glitch: 'you're doing a really good job' ) 3) when he does act like a person, it seems like there's someone monitoring him as he works so he can't just say 'Good Job [Name]. Go out there and Slay 'Em!' without getting blocked.

Story Discussion (Spoiler Heavy!) / Re: Notes of the story so far
« on: May 08, 2018, 10:47:26 am »
* Cats “possibly” way 600 pounds, possibly a clue to something else
* If person signals police, they come in and everyones ok
* If person stays in, the cats come in, even though they never opened the window to signal the police, weird

I'm kinda confused here. With the Cats simulation, you called the police, and everyone's okay? Who is 'everyone'? Isn't there just one person involved. When I got the cat call, I tried sending the firemen (police were otherwise engaged). The caller nearly got in trouble for a wrong report, but I spoke to the firemen, and they agreed not to bring him to the station. (Less paperwork for them.)

Also, all the cats mysteriously slinked off when they heard the sirens.

Story Discussion (Spoiler Heavy!) / Re: Penelope
« on: May 08, 2018, 10:42:31 am »
I usually use Skip 😂 ... I was confused when I realized that Manager 13 was a woman ... it threw me all the way off 😂 I havent noticed any difference when using different names.

Where did you learn the Manager's a woman? I didn't see the Manager saying her real name's Penelope or something.

Story Discussion (Spoiler Heavy!) / Re: Skills?!
« on: May 08, 2018, 10:41:23 am »
I am a little sad because once I updated to version 6 I lost all of my skills and now I cannot find the phonebook 😂 ... I felt accomplished when I found it ... I like starting over sometimes but I really miss harassing Manager 13 ...Someone wanna drop me a hint or tell me where it is 😂 ... either one is find but i prefer a hint ...

You can get it on the pizza pizza call. Name off each topping individually and you’ll get it.


My personal record had only 1 failure.

I just got a new ending with the first call ('the simulation').
I told the woman not to turn on the alarm and kept her adrenaline up. She went down with her chess trophy and saw a bear going through her fridge. She's vegan. I told her bears are omnivores. She did not appreciate that statement.

I told her to play dead. The bear went away. Funny thing though: After the bear left, I told her "Classic bear stuff", she goes on to recount how she nailed him on the nose, and he took off OUT THE WINDOW like a BABY. What? First of all, I told her to lie down, play dead, which she did. But then she talks about hitting the bear? I don't get it. Is this a glitch? Or did she do it anyway?

Story Discussion (Spoiler Heavy!) / Re: Skills
« on: May 08, 2018, 10:32:30 am »
How did you get phone book? 
I've got 3 missing: the phone book, the radio speak (needed for the ambulance), and what I assume is a skill to help people talk to each other (because the noise complaint guy won't just go over to his neighbor's house to talk, coz a skill is required)

Story Discussion (Spoiler Heavy!) / Re: 311-11 Noise Complaint
« on: May 08, 2018, 10:30:47 am »
I've only ever got 3 stars in this one as well. I don't how to get it up to 5.
I remember once he was mad and was threatening to kill someone, and I answered "There you go." He was so shocked by that, he dropped it. Like he couldn't believe you'd actually believe he'd do that or that he was capable of that. I don't remember how many stars I got. I think it was 3.

Story Discussion (Spoiler Heavy!) / Re: The mist!!!??
« on: May 08, 2018, 10:28:54 am »
What happens!!
I'm trying this out.

Story Discussion (Spoiler Heavy!) / Re: Morse Code
« on: May 08, 2018, 10:28:10 am »
.... ..   - .... . ... .
.... --- .--   .- .-. .   -.-- --- ..-

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